What's new in Seastar - issue 4 31 August 2024·4 mins A summary of recent developments in the C++ Seastar project.
What's new in Seastar - issue 3 22 April 2024·5 mins A summary of recent developments in the C++ Seastar project.
What's new in Seastar - issue 2 1 December 2023·7 mins A summary of recent developments in the C++ Seastar project.
A virtual machine approach to fuzzing interfaces 9 November 2023·12 mins Clang’s libfuzzer can design adverserial programs.
What's new in Seastar - issue 1 30 April 2023·8 mins A summary of recent developments in the C++ Seastar project.
Seastar's timer utility 4 May 2021·3 mins Efficiently manage a bunch of scheduled, asynchronous upcalls.
Seastar's gate utility 3 February 2021·5 mins Synchronize access to resources by tracking active fibers.
Seastar's weak pointer 17 November 2020·6 mins The non-owning counterpart to Seastar’s shared pointer.